Hangzhou Kuoshi Imp&Exp Co.,LTD. has complete and specific instruction manuals for the products especially made for customers. As a professional company specialized in producing china shopping bags manufacturers , we have comprehensive specification prepared to help you operate and install our products more easily. We have been attaching great importance to high precision of each part and has employed experienced engineers to design products, which will simplify operation process.

KUOSHI is a globally famous cotton tote bag manufacturer. The pvc bag series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. The distinguished design of KUOSHI jewelry packaging bags makes it look more attractive. This product is perfect for promotional uses. This product shows great practicality and promotion value. The product is known for its leakproof performance.

We are a company with social and ethical missions. Our management contributes their knowledge to help the company manage the performance around labor rights, health & safety, the environment, and business ethics.