
Another name for non-woven eco-friendly bags--------Advertising bags

by:KUOSHI     2021-02-27
u003cpu003eAdvertising today can be said to be everywhere. There are also many ways to promote advertising. From traditional offline advertising to today's advanced information-based online advertising, those so-called advertising businesses can be said to be pervasive. Even if it's just a big palm, I will try my best to add some ads. However, what I want to talk about today is that a seemingly inconspicuous form of advertising, but an advertising method with great influence, can be said to be a small investment and a large return on advertising. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eShenzhen Textile Co., Ltd. is a non-woven bag production and processing factory with more than ten years of production experience. As a member of this company, the editor knows that we The reason why our customers customized non-woven bags. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eThe first and most important point is to promote the company. In most or all of the bags produced by customers, there is nothing that does not print the company's LOGO and advertising slogans. Then there is the obligation that should be followed as a bag-loading things and bearing weight. Comparing these two points, today's non-woven bags, it is better to call them a carrier of advertising, and its biggest use is not to install things, but as a carrier of advertising in our lives. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eThe most common non-woven bags used for publicity in the editor is at the school gate. Especially at the end of school every day, if you pick up your children at the school gate, there will always be some delivery. That is, you will get a lot of free non-woven bags printed with training institutions and contact information. As long as you stop at the school gate, someone will immediately come to you to promote them. In my opinion, this behavior is actually disgusting. Originally, the school gate was very chaotic during school hours. In addition, mixing with these promoters caused great difficulties for the school’s security personnel. However, every salesperson held some colorful non-woven bags in his hand to promote his business. Distribute the bags to the hands of the students and their parents, and then disperse them from the school gate. This scenery is also very spectacular!u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eBecause of this This kind of scene is constantly staged in various public places, which also led to another special scene being staged. That is the manufacturer of non-woven bags. With the continuous development and promotion of non woven bags with the slogan of environmental protection, many industries have used this gimmick to use non-woven bags as the advertising vehicle for their company's promotion, and they are freely distributed everywhere. And the author can only haha u200bu200bfor this situation. Because the non-woven bags received by the author in this way are already a disaster. Just sort it out and you can get dozens of them. Large and small, there are various kinds of advertising bags. The reason why I want to say that it is a disaster, so many bags, it is useless. It's a pity to throw it away, but it also takes up space at home. They also asked those who collected the waste, but they said no. Said that because the material is not carton plastic, and it does not contain other recyclable materials, there is no recycling value, and they do not want it. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eThen, it's worthless, no one wants it, then the problem comes. And this kind of non-woven bag is a substitute for plastic bags developed after the country issued a plastic restriction order in 2008. And because this kind of non-woven bags just wears an environmentally friendly green halo, and coincides with the environmental protection scene, and the production cost is relatively low, businesses in various industries use the characteristics of this bag to promote their company's brand. Compared with television advertisements and media advertisements, this promotion method can save costs more, and with the recyclable and durable characteristics of non-woven bags, it can make your own advertisements exist for a longer time in the world. It is also more directly rooted in people's hearts. However, this has led to a flooding phenomenon on many occasions. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eThe reason why non-woven bags can be classified as environmentally friendly products is not because the bags themselves have environmental protection functions. It can be called an environmentally friendly product based on multiple and long-term recycling. A non-woven bag printed with advertisements, the longer it is used, while the bag reflects its own environmental protection value maximization, the advertisement also maximizes its promotion effect. This is a seemingly simple non-woven bag, but it can exert a huge advertising effect. u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003c/pu003e
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