Can Kuoshi provide certificate of origin for cheap linen bags ?
If requested, Hangzhou Kuoshi Imp&Exp Co.,LTD. would always love to provide the legal Certificate of Origin (CO). It is a document to certify the place the goods are manufactured. It contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export. Generally, it is especially important for the businesses running export trade because it can help determine whether certain goods are eligible for export, or whether goods are subject to duties. In other words, this CO plays an important role in the export business of both parties and may influence the goods on-time delivery, and further may result in the risks of reputation decrease of customers.
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Kuoshi is a rapidly growing, mainly specializing in R&D, design, production, and sales of promotional cotton tote bags. We are a highly reputable company in China. The shopping bags suppliers series has become a hot product of Kuoshi. KUOSHI nylon drawstring bags wholesale has a unique design. Our designers experiment with various materials, often mixing textures, textiles or even incorporating multimedia elements into its design. Its vivid colors and patterns make it more fascinating. The product has an exceptionally long lifespan, significantly lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance costs, and higher safety. This product is perfect for promotional uses.
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Earnestly undertaking the task to promote the development of custom logo bag industry is the mission of KUOSHI. Please contact us!

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